SMART FARMING ....Better with consultants


Maximal 3.000 $ per ha, (10.000 m²)
With our Drip System T-Tape it makes no difference whether you grow corn, soybeans, tomatoes, potatoes, or cabbage. The crops should be changed every year to have 3 years between growing the same kind on the same place, to kill the nematodes, elk or other insects which sleeps in the ground. Or one cultivates one variety on one ha (or ½ acre) and the others on the other ha (or ½ acre) and changes the area every year at a certain rhythm with the 4 families of crops. (crop rotation)
The distance between the rows of plants should be 70 to 80 cm and there should be a drip line between 2 rows. But that also depends on the procurement of the soil. In sandy soil you can plant closer than in heavy clay soil.
That means either a thin-walled drip line (10 mil) on top of the earth or, better still, a thick-walled drip line (30 mil) 20 cm in the earth directly at the root, SUBSURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION saves you 50% water, energy on the motor and fertilizer, that is recommended. Use a filter also.
That means one drip line each meter (or 3 feet) approximately. The length should not be more than 150 m (50 feet), the main line should be placed in the middle and the drip lines goes to the right and left of this. This depends also where you plan your road for a truck to maintain your manure and harvest, and so its best to use our Subsurface lines.
The driplines can have a maximum water outlet every 30 cm with 1 l per hour or 340 litres on 100 m.
The different amount of water is controlled with the time of irrigation per day. So, 0,5 hours at the beginning, then 1 hour or 1.5 until 2 hours a day, which would then be 2 litres of water each 30 cm.
All this also depends on the rain or the strong sunlight in summer during the growth phase. With the drip system you can plant 2 harvests or more per year. This will bring back your investments within a one more harvest.
The entire system should be planned in such a way that the main lines with mainline and sub mainline are in the middle of the farm and you can regulate this with valves so that 2, or even one hectare is watered differently every 2 hours, alternately in different sections.
The price in this version is around $ 2500 per hectare. (Nairobi Shopgate).
The Installation costs depends on 250 to 500 $, there you can give us your workers for help and it’s a question of accommodation and transport from the City to the farm.. or how big is the contract.
That is only 30 KSH per m². That is what you as minimum should get for benefit on one harvest more. And it is to use 5 or 6 years.
So maximal 3.000 $ per ha, or 1.215 $ per Acre.  
The delivery from Nairobi and the on-site installation of the system should be around 10% to 20 %, and Transport cost when it goes to another country by airplane or truck..
Depending on the financial situation, you can invest 2 hectares of irrigation every year; as you can afford.
Give us your Email, and we send you a quoted offer for 6 ha with the main supply lines. With one line per meter, which is completely sufficient with our system. The irrigation does not depend on the number of pipes, but on the water flow that is fed by the engine.
That means if 300 m dripline (each 150 m) to the right and left of the main line) x 34 rows.

More Info … Grow successful with consultant.
For successful SMART FARMING see 70 lessons about SUBSURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION.
We supply this in West Kenya. Please send us your request when you will double your yield to 3, 4, 5 $ per m² and we plan your farm. 
Save 50% water, energy and use MORGANICS SEAWEED FERTILIZER from us … 
750 lessons the BASICS of Organic Farming.
https:// www.facebook.com/FAIREC-Atlas-Developement-SARL-654505228040366/


Kwa mfumo wetu wa Drip T-Tape haileti tofauti kama unalima mahindi, soya, nyanya, viazi au kabichi. Mazao yanapaswa kubadilishwa kila mwaka kuwa na miaka 3 kati ya kukua aina moja kwenye sehemu moja, ili kuua nematode, elk au wadudu wengine wanaolala chini. Au mtu analima aina moja kwenye hekta moja (au ½ ekari) na nyingine kwa hekta nyingine (au ½ ekari) na kubadilisha eneo hilo kila mwaka kwa mdundo fulani na familia 4 za mazao. (mzunguko wa mazao)
Umbali kati ya safu za mimea unapaswa kuwa cm 70 hadi 80 na kuwe na mstari wa matone kati ya safu 2. Lakini hiyo pia inategemea manunuzi ya udongo. Katika udongo wa mchanga unaweza kupanda karibu zaidi kuliko udongo nzito wa udongo.
Hiyo ina maana ama njia ya matone yenye kuta nyembamba (mil 10) juu ya dunia au, bora zaidi, njia ya kudondoshea yenye ukuta nene (mil 30) sentimita 20 ardhini moja kwa moja kwenye mzizi, UMWAGILIAJI WA SUBSURFACE DIP iokoa 50% maji, nishati kwenye motor na mbolea, ambayo inapendekezwa. Tumia kichungi pia.
Hiyo inamaanisha mstari mmoja wa kudondoshea kila mita (au futi 3) takriban. Urefu haupaswi kuwa zaidi ya m 150 (futi 50), mstari kuu unapaswa kuwekwa katikati na mistari ya matone huenda kulia na kushoto kwa hili. Hii inategemea pia mahali unapopanga barabara yako kwa lori kudumisha samadi na mavuno yako, na kwa hivyo ni bora kutumia njia zetu za Subsurface.
Njia za matone zinaweza kuwa na sehemu ya juu ya maji kila sentimita 30 na lita 1 kwa saa au lita 340 kwa mita 100.
Kiasi tofauti cha maji kinadhibitiwa na wakati wa umwagiliaji kwa siku. Kwa hivyo, saa 0,5 mwanzoni, kisha saa 1 au 1.5 hadi saa 2 kwa siku, ambayo itakuwa lita 2 za maji kila cm 30.
Yote hii pia inategemea mvua au jua kali katika msimu wa joto wakati wa ukuaji. Kwa mfumo wa matone unaweza kupanda mavuno 2 au zaidi kwa mwaka. Hii itarudisha uwekezaji wako ndani ya mavuno moja zaidi.
Mfumo mzima unapaswa kupangwa kwa njia ambayo mistari kuu iliyo na laini kuu na ndogo iko katikati ya shamba na unaweza kudhibiti hii na valves ili 2, au hata hekta moja inywe maji tofauti kila masaa 2, kwa njia tofauti. sehemu mbalimbali.
Bei katika toleo hili ni karibu $ 2500 kwa hekta. (Nairobi Shopgate).
Gharama ya Ufungaji inategemea 250 hadi 500 $, huko unaweza kutupa wafanyikazi wako kwa msaada na ni suala la malazi na usafiri kutoka Jiji hadi shamba.. au mkataba ni mkubwa kiasi gani.
Hiyo ni KSH 30 pekee kwa kila m². Hiyo ndiyo kiwango cha chini unachopaswa kupata kwa faida kwenye mavuno moja zaidi. Na ni kutumia miaka 5 au 6.
Kwa hiyo, kiwango cha juu zaidi ni $3.000 kwa hekta, au $1.215 kwa Ekari.
Usafirishaji kutoka Nairobi na uwekaji wa mfumo kwenye tovuti unapaswa kuwa karibu 10% hadi 20%, na gharama ya Usafiri inapoenda nchi nyingine kwa ndege au lori.
Kulingana na hali ya kifedha, unaweza kuwekeza hekta 2 za umwagiliaji kila mwaka; uwezavyo.
Tupe Barua pepe yako, na tunakutumia ofa iliyonukuliwa kwa hekta 6 na laini kuu za usambazaji. Kwa mstari mmoja kwa kila mita, ambayo ni ya kutosha kabisa na mfumo wetu. Umwagiliaji hautegemei idadi ya mabomba, lakini kwa mtiririko wa maji ambao unalishwa na injini.
Hiyo inamaanisha ikiwa njia ya matone ya m 300 (kila mita 150) kwenda kulia na kushoto kwa mstari mkuu) x safu 34.
Maelezo Zaidi…
Kwa SMART FARMING iliyofaulu angalia zaidi ya masomo 70 kuhusu UMWAGILIAJI WA MAFUTA SUBSURFACE. Unazipata kwenye kalenda yangu ya matukio chini ya FAIREC Atlas Developement S.A.R.L. Tunasambaza hii Afrika Mashariki. Tafadhali tutumie ombi lako wakati utakapoongeza mavuno yako hadi 3, 4, 5 $ kwa kila m² na tunapanga shamba lako. Okoa 50% ya maji, nishati na mbolea ukitumia nasi … Pata mafanikio ukiwa na mshauri..

Upeo wa $3.000 kwa hekta, (m² 10.000)


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